Factory Act Registration

  • Consent to Establish Under Factory Act Registration
  • Consent to Operate Under Factory Act Registration
  • Advise on Record Maintained Under Factory Act

Factory Act Registration

Factory Act 1948 was introduced with the prime objective of protecting workers employed in factories against industrial and occupational hazards. With the introduction of this Act , it imposes some conditions towards health and safety of works.

Applicability of Factory Act 1948 is when A premises whereon 10 or more persons are engaged if power is used, or 20 or more persons are engaged if power is not used, in a manufacturing process. [section 2(m)]. In Factory Act Worker means A person employed in any manufacturing process or cleaning or any work incidental to manufacturing process. A person employed, directly or by or through any agency with or without knowledge of the principal employer.

Factory Act Registration Consultant

We are Factory act Consultant in Gurugram. Our dedicated professional assist you in taking factory registration further compliances after registration with timely reminder and follow-ups.

  • Obtaining Registration Certificate under Factories Act
  • Renewal of Registration of Factory Act in Gurugram/ Gurgaon
  • Providing Day to day consulting solution on matter of Factory Act
  • Representing on behalf of Occupier/Manufactures at office of Factory Inspector
  • Replying & stratifying show cause Notices

Highlights of Factory Act Registration

Renewal of Registration

Factory Act license is issued for the period it applied it generally of one year, hence on or before of expiry of application Occupier need to apply for renewal of registration with government authorities.


The primary object to introducing Factory Act was to give safety , health conditions , Leave with wages etc. for the works of Factory.

Simple Compliances

Occupier need to do all necessary compliances under Factories Act., Compliances under Factories Act is simple.

Check List of documents for Factory Act Registration

  • Covering Letter on Letter Head
  • List of Raw Material used
  • Finished Goods List
  • Flow chart of Process flow of Manufacturing
  • KYC- PAN and Residential Address of Proprietor / Partner / Director
  • Name and Residential address of the Manager (if Any)
  • Total no of persons going to be employed (temporary / permanent / security / staff / workers etc.)
  • Electricity Bill / Sanctioned HP
  • Factory Layout (Internal and External)
  • Memorandum of Articles / Partnership Deed
  • Article of Association
  • Leave and License Agreement
  • License Fee Paid Challan (Fees will depend upon present manpower strength & H.P. used

What We Offer

Legal Drafting

Consent to Operate Registration

Consent to Establish Registration

Advise on Factory Act Compliances

Factory Act Registration Process


Application Preparation

VALS & CO. Factory Act Expert will prepare your Factory Act Application along with the necessary supporting documents that needs to be submitted for Factory Registration.


Application Processing

Once the application is prepared and submitted, the concerned Factory Act Office will process the application and may request for more information or documents


Factory Act Registration

While processing the application, VALS & CO. Factory Act Expert will help you respond to any query or request for document (if required) and obtain Factory Act Registration.

FAQ on Factory Act Registration

A premises whereon 10 or more persons are engaged if power is used, or 20 or more persons are engaged if power is not used, in a manufacturing process. [section 2(m)].

A person employed in any manufacturing process or cleaning or any work incidental to manufacturing process. A person employed, directly or by or through any agency with or without knowledge of the principal employer. Whether for remuneration or not. [section 2(l)]

The person who has ultimate control over the affairs of factory. It includes a partner in case of firm and director in case of a company.

Occupier shall ensure, the health, safety and welfare of all workers while they are at work in the factory. Every occupier shall prepare, a written statement of his general policy with respect to the health and safety of the workers. Bring such statement and any revision thereof to the notice of all the workers.

More Questions? Seek Help of an Expert

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Let's Start your Factory Act Registration and fulfill your Dream ¦

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